Community Organizing

Community Asset Support

As a Neighbourhood Renewal Corporation, one of West Broadway Community Organization’s central roles is to ensure that neighbourhood assets are utilized to their highest and best purpose, as defined by consultation and planning efforts. WBCO works to support community facilities, manage green spaces, inform infill developments, encourage investment in housing stock, and address gaps or deficiencies in infrastructure or amenities. Much of this is merely supporting partners to continue the good work they are doing but WBCO representatives continually monitor neighbourhood activity and offer assistance when necessary. WBCO is represented on numerous boards, working groups and committees throughout the neighbourhood, insuring that the goals and priorities of West Broadway’s consultations and plans are considered at every step.

A few of WBCO’s current efforts include:

  1. WBCO owns and manages 748 Broadway. We support community organizing and advocacy in the neighbourhood by providing space for the West Broadway Tenants Committee and the Westminster Housing Tenants Committee to meet.
  2. Recognizing the long-term importance of Crossways in Common, WBCO is involved in visioning for the multi-use facility and WBCO's Executive Director participates in the Crossways Strategic Planning Committee.
  3. WBCO has enjoyed a long and meaningful partnership with the West Broadway BIZ, which has led to many strong outcomes over the past decade. From sharing a building to sharing staff and programming, West Broadway is a rare example of genuine collaboration between social and economic interests. WBCO currently rents office space to the West Broadway Biz at 748 Broadway.
  4. WBCO owns or manages six community green spaces in the neighbourhood. We conduct in-depth consultation and planning to assess neighbourhood priorities around land use, food security, sustainability, active transportation, and green space management.