
Good Food Club's Valentine's Day Self-Care Event returns in person Feb 14th!

Good Food Club's Valentine's Day Self-Care Event is returning IN PERSON Feb 14th!

Please see our event page for more information.

  • Cooking Classes & Workshops

    The Good Food Club offers a variety of free cooking classes and skill building workshops to members throughout the year. Examples of recent workshops and classes: chair yoga and meditation exercise class, Social Distancing Club, art therapy, gardening workshop series, healthy cooking on a budget, salad dressing and salad cooking class, and more!

  • Exercise Classes

    The Good Food Club hosts a number of exercise classes, including Chair Yoga and Meditation, and Back to Balance: Balance Training, each month. The exercises are specifically geared toward older adults, and people with mobility limitations, although everyone is welcome to attend. Exercises are gentle and take place seated in a chair or standing – participants will not have to get down on the floor if unable to do so.

  • Healthy Seniors & Friends

    The Good Food Club's Healthy Seniors & Friends Group meets monthly to discuss member concerns, hopes for the future, current issues and events in the community, and existing resources. All are welcome.

  • GFC Social Gatherings

    Participants of the ‘Good Food Club meet regularly for a number of fun social events aimed at bringing folks together, and building a sense of support and belonging within our community. Some event examples include: Social Club, Spring Tea, Winter Wellness events, Valentine's Day Self-Care Event, Birthday Party for Everyone, and more! Check the GFC calendar or events page regularly for more details on each event.