
GFC Special Field Trip: Narcisse Snake Dens

  • April 29, 2025
  • 9:30am – 3:30pm
  • 185 Young St, PICKUP/DROP OFF

We are going on a FIELD TRIP!

Join Good Food Club for a fun filled day trip to Narcisse Snake Dens!

Tues, April 29/25

9:30am - 3:30pm

Pickup/Dropoff: 185 Young St

In order to attend, participants must REGISTER and fill out a waiver form. Spots are limited and priority will be given to active Good Food Club members.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR THIS EVENT. To register please email: [email protected] or leave a message with your full name and contact info at 204-774-7201 ext 6. Registrations will also be accepted at the next Good Food Box pickup.

You are encouraged to bring your walker on this trip if you use one. Please let us know if you will be bringing yours during registration so we can make sure we plan for the space on the bus. Please be sure to remove all extra unnecessary items from your walker before arriving so we can make sure they aren't lost or damaged during transport.