West Broadway Spring Clean Up
Help us return West Broadway to its BEAUTIFUL self at this year's West Broadway Spring Clean Up!
Friday, May 27/22: 2pm - 6pm
Saturday, May 28/22: 10am - 2pm
Pick up supplies outside Broadway Neighbourhood Centre (185 Young St) during the above times. Then head out to clean up the neighbourhood.
Free T-shirt and snacks for the first 200 people!
Please remember the fundamentals to reduce the risk of COVID-19 spread when you participate: don't come if you are feeling ill, stay six feet apart from others, wear a mask, and wash your hands!
Let's make #westbroadwaybeautiful
Email [email protected] for more information.
Brought to you by: Art City, Balmoral Hall School, West Broadway Bear Clan Patrol, Broadway Neighbourhood Centre, Good Food Club, Klinic Community Health, Resource Assistance for Youth, Take Pride Winnipeg!, Councillor Sherri Rollins, West Broadway BIZ, West Broadway Community Organization, Wolseley Family Place
Thank you to RDW Recycling and Bin Rentals for their generous donation of the dumpster for this event!