West Broadway Spring Clean Up

West Broadway's annual Spring Cleanup is back for 2024!
The West Broadway Spring Clean-Up is a great opportunity for community members to meet and contribute to the community in a totally awesome way! Come join us! We are working together to clean up the streets of West Broadway!
Date: Saturday, May 4th, 2024
Meeting location: outside Broadway Neighbourhood Centre (185 Young St)
Registration: 9:30 to 10am
Clean-up: 10am to 12pm
Free lunch: 12pm to ~1:30pm
Tools and supplies will be provided. The first 200 people to register will be given a free "West Broadway" t-shirt. Please bring your own water bottle.
Volunteers needed for the cleanup! (see below)
Everyone will be divided into 12 teams. Zone maps can be found
here: https://drive.google.com/.../1DUy55b40TSnITF4DOlhFU.../view
Each team has a team leader. To pre-register as a team leader or team member, email [email protected] Team leaders will be provided with instructions ahead of time (it's a fun and easy job!).
We are also looking for volunteers to help with registration, set up and tear down, and cyclists to pick up gathered garbage using bike trailers. Please contact the coordinator at [email protected] if you're interested in helping with this or have any questions.
Hope to see you there!
Community Partners:
Acorn Family Place
Art City
Balmoral Hall
Broadway Neighbourhood Centre
Good Food Club
Klinic Community Health
Resource Assistance for Youth
City Councillor Sherri Rollins
West Broadway Bear Clan
West Broadway Biz
West Broadway Community Organization
Special Thanks for support from:
Take Pride Winnipeg
RDW Recycling (for their generous donation of the rubbish removal bin)
ERA Recycling (supporting with pick-up of end of life electronics)